This is the main part of the chanting service we do at our monastery. It is done in the Pali Language. Lean more about joining us for an evening chanting.


This is the same way that people expressed praise and honour to the Buddha even when he was alive.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sam-buddhassa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sam-buddhassa
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sam-buddhassa

Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the supremely Enlightened One!

Going for Refuge

The primary way we express our commitment to follow the teachings of the Buddha is by going for refuge to the Triple Gem: the fully enlightened Buddha; the Dhamma, his liberating teachings; and the Sangha, the people in the past and the present who followed these teachings and also became enlightened.

Buddhaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Dutiyam’pi Buddhaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Dutiyam’pi Dhammaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Dutiyam’pi Saṅghaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Tatiyam’pi Buddhaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Tatiyam’pi Dhammaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.
Tatiyam’pi Saṅghaṁ saranaṁ gacchāmi.

I go for refuge to the supreme Buddha.
I go for refuge to the supreme Dhamma.
I go for refuge to the supreme Saṅgha.
For the second time I go for refuge to the supreme Buddha.
For the second time I go for refuge to the supreme Dhamma.
For the second time I go for refuge to the supreme Saṅgha.
For the third time I go for refuge to the supreme Buddha.
For the third time I go for refuge to the supreme Dhamma.
For the third time I go for refuge to the supreme Saṅgha.

Buddhānussati: Contemplation on the Qualities of the Buddha

The Buddha had nine special qualities. Buddhas are the only ones who have all nine. We often recite them when we place items on the shrine.

1. Iti pi so bhagavā, araham,
2. sammā-sam-buddho,
3. vijjā-carana-sampanno,
4. sugato, 5. lokavidū,
6. anuttaro purisa-damma-sārathi,
7. satthā deva-manussānam,
8. buddho, 9. bhagavā ti.

1. Such Indeed is the Blessed One, Arahant, worthy one,
2. supremely enlightened,
3. endowed with knowledge and virtue,
4. follower of the Noble Path,
5. knower of worlds,
6. the peerless trainer of persons,
7. teacher of gods and humans,
8. the Enlightened Teacher,
9. the Blessed One.

Dhammānussati: Contemplation on the Qualities of the Dhamma

As well, the Buddha’s teaching, known as the Dhamma, has six special qualities that make it possible to get the same happiness that the Buddha did.

1. Svākkhāto Bhagavatā dhammo,
2. sanditthiko, 3. akāliko,
4. ehipassiko, 5. opanayiko,
6. paccattam vedittabbo viññūhīti.

1. Well taught by the Blessed One is the Dhamma,
2. visible here and now,
3. timeless,
4. open to all,
5. learned and applied to oneself,
6. understood by the wise each for himself.

Sanghānussati: Contemplation on the Qualities of the Sangha

The primary way we express our commitment to follow the teachings of the Buddha is by going for refuge to the Triple Gem: the fully enlightened Buddha; the Dhamma, his liberating teachings; and the Sangha, the people in the past and the present who followed these teachings and also became enlightened.

1. Su-paṭipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-sangho.
2. Uju-paṭipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-sangho.
3. Ñāya-paṭipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-sangho.
4. Sāmīci-paṭipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-sangho.
Yadidam cattāri purisa-yugāni aṭṭha purisa-puggalā esa Bhagavato
5. āhu-neyyo 6. pāhu-neyyo
7. dakkhi-neyyo 8. anjali-karanīyo
9. anuttaram puññak-khettam lokassā ti.

1. Of pure conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One,
2. of upright conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One,
3. of wise conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One,
4. of generous conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One.
Those four pairs of persons the eight kinds of individuals:
that is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One.
5. They are worthy of offerings,
6. they are worthy of hospitality,
7. they are worthy of gifts,
8. they are worthy of reverential salutations,
9. an incomparable field of merit for the world.

Satta Buddha Vandanā: Homage to the Seven Buddhas

Only one Buddha ever exists in the world at a time. After his teachings disappear from the world, sometimes eons pass by without another Buddha attaining enlightenment. From our Buddha named Sidhartha Gautama, we learn that there have only been seven Buddhas in the last 91 eons. They all discov­ered the very same Dhamma and taught it to disciples who also attained enlightenment. The verses below are found in the Āṭānātiya Sutta, from the Long Discourses of the Buddha.

1. Vipassissa namatthu, cakkhu-mantassa sirīmato.
Sikhissapi namatthu, sabba-bhū-tā-nukampino.
2. Vessabhussa namatthu, nahā-takassa tapassino.
Namatthu Kakusandhassa, Māra-senā-pamaddino.
3. Koṇāgamanassa namatthu, brāhmaṇassa vusīmato.
Kassapassa namatthu, vip-pamut-tassa sabbadhi.
4. Aṅgīrasassa namatthu, sakya-puttassa sirīmato.
Yo imaṁ dhamma-ṁadesesi, sabba-dukkhā-panūdanaṁ.
5. Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, yathā-bhūtaṁ vipassisuṁ.
Te janā apisuṇā, mahantā vītasāradā.
6. Hitaṁ deva-manussānaṁ, yaṁ namassanti Gotamaṁ
Vijjā-caraṇa-sampannaṁ, mahantaṁ vītasāradaṁ.
Vijjā-caraṇa-sampannaṁ, Buddhaṁ vandāma Gotamaṅ’ti.

1. Homage to Vipassi the Buddha possessed of the eye of wisdom and
splendor. Homage to Sikhi the Buddha compassionate towards all beings.
2. Homage to Vessabhu the Buddha free from all defilements
and possessed of great energy. Homage to Kakusanda the Buddha
the conqueror of the army of Māra.
3. Homage to Konagamana the Buddha who has shed all defilements
and has lived the holy life. Homage to Kassapa the Buddha who is fully freed from all defilements.
4. Homage to Aṅgirasa the Buddha Gotama son of the Sākyas
full of radiance who proclaimed the Dhamma that dispels all suffering.
5. Those in the world who have extinguished the flames of passion and have realized through insight things as they really are they never slander anyone they are mighty men who are free from fear.
6. Gotama the Buddha dear to gods and humans endowed with knowledge and virtue mighty and fearless we pay homage to our Great teacher Supreme Buddha.