Invitation to the Deities2020-11-09T21:36:19+00:00

Invitation to the Deities

As we know, the Buddha taught not only humans the path to freedom from suffering but also gods and divine beings. As fel­low disciples, we invite them to come and listen to the Buddha’s teachings being recited.

Samantā cakka-vālesu–Atrā-gacchantu devatā
Sad-dhammaṁ muni-rājassa–Sunantu sagga-mokkha-daṁ
Parittas savanna-kālo ayaṁ bhadantā
Parittas savana-kālo ayaṁ bhadantā
Paritta Dhammas-savana-akālo ayam bhadantā

In the universe in their entirety, let the deities come here;
The good doctrine of the King of Sages
That gives heaven and release.
This is the time to listen to the protective discourses.
This is the time to listen to the protective discourses.
This is the time to listen to the protective Dhamma discourses.

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